Product Highlight - Indium 8.9HF No Clean Solder Paste

Oct 13, 2023

Lead-Free Solder Paste Features & Benefits

Indium 8.9f SolderAs a leader in soldering technology, Indium Corporation offers a number of solder pastes for Pb-free assembly. We offer many different alloy choices and flux technologies to solve many of your process challenges.

Indium Corporation’s Pb-free solder pastes are ideal for miniaturized components and fine-pitch assembly. They provide first-class printing and robust reflow performance and are all designed to AVOID THE VOID®. (see below)

AVOID THE VOID®: Avoid shortened product life; avoid field failures; avoid customer dissatisfaction, plus a whole lot more with Indium Corporation’s advanced solder paste technology.

Indium Corporation’s suite of solder pastes offers formulations designed to deliver low-voiding, plus enhanced benefits such as improved response-to-pause, stability, HiP minimization, reliable in-circuit testing, and enhanced SIR performance.)

Looking for an SMT Solder Paste that has Superior Printing and Voiding Performance?

  • Want enhanced electrical reliability to ensure your product life reliability?

  • Need it to be stable for room temperature storage and have a long stencil life?

We have your solution!

Indium 8.9HF is a no-clean, halogen-free solder paste that delivers versatility and stability in the printing process. Under optimal process conditions, Indium8.9HF:

  • Delivers excellent response-to-pause even after being left on the stencil for 60 hours

  • Maintains excellent printing and reflow performance after remaining at room temperature for one month

  • Demonstrates consistent printing performance for up to 12 months when refrigerated



  • Halogen-free, Pb-free, no-clean

  • High transfer efficiency with low variability

    • Outstanding broadband print transfer

    • Excellent response-to-pause performance

  • Unique resilient oxidation barrier technology

    • Eliminates Head-in-Pillow (HiP) defects

    • Eliminates graping defects and promotes complete coalescence

  • Robust reflow capability

    • Low-voiding with a vast array of thermal profiles and component styles

    • Wide processing window, which accommodates various board sizes and throughput requirements, and minimizes potential defects

  • Excellent pin-in-paste printability, solderability, and hole fill

  • Clear, restricted, encapsulating flux reside with enhanced electrical reliability (SIR/ECM)

  • Consistent lot-to-lot performance after storage and throughout the assembly process

  • Backwards compatible with Sn/Pb alloys

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